Why I am a Visiting Home Hospice Volunteer
The sound of silence, with only a far away hint of a laughing, happy Mom and Dad. Their child with special needs is safe in the hands of a caring Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice Visiting Home Hospice volunteer. She is calm, quietly focused and engaged in her new favourite activity.
Finally! Mom and Dad get a few badly needed hours of respite, and their child is happy, safe, challenged and adored by a carer in her home. That is what I hoped for, and appreciate as a Visiting Home Hospice volunteer.
When I was first volunteering in house at Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice, I quickly became overwhelmed at the depths of the needs of our special children and the demands placed on extremely worried, exhausted and overwhelmed parents. I longed to know each child better and to help them achieve their full potential. I felt I needed to do more for both the child and the family!