Give Care, Support and Strength to Families on a Heartbreaking Journey

Your donation today helps Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice deliver outstanding care and innovative programs.

Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice in Ottawa is Eastern Ontario’s only pediatric hospice palliative care home, one of a few such highly specialized facilities in Canada.

For children with life-limiting illnesses, we enhance their quality of life, helping them to be kids while ensuring their legacies. For families living through tough and challenging times, we provide exceptional care and compassionate grief support to help them along their and their child’s journey.

Help us enrich young lives, no matter how short.

When you donate to Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice, your generosity and impact are felt in many ways, from purchasing equipment and technology to funding programs and services not covered by government funding. Without donor support, many of the things we do for children and families would not be possible. With your help, we can deliver the highest pediatric hospice palliative care and family support possible.

Please donate to Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice today.

Our friends at the CHEO Foundation kindly manage all donations to Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice.
Donate now

Other Ways to Support Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice

Create a Community Event Page

On the CHEO Foundation website, you can create a custom web page to make your donation and encourage others to join you in supporting Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice. You’ll find easy-to-use tools to help you build a mini fundraising site using your photos and videos, which you can send to friends and family and invite them to share in your support of Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice.

Community event page

Create an In Honour/In Memory Page

You can also create a page on the CHEO Foundation website that’s even more personal and meaningful. Use your page to create a memorial for a loved one, with donations made in their memory.

In-memory page

Organize a Fundraising Event

Do you have an idea for an event supporting Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice? You can make it whatever you want – a bake, book or yard sale, car wash, dance marathon, walk-a-thon, or neighborhood fun fair! All it takes is a little time, creativity, and willingness to ask others to participate in your special event. CHEO Foundation can even help you get the word out with templates for posters, cards, a community letter and social media posts.

Find out more

Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice and CHEO

Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice is proud to have an enduring collaborative relationship with CHEO and a strong partnership with CHEO Foundation, our fundraiser. All three organizations share a commitment to children and families.

The expertise and fundraising efforts of the CHEO Foundation play a pivotal role in strengthening what we do today and securing the future of programs, services and care at Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice.

Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice Stories

Discover the touching stories and journeys of children, families and caregivers.

Perinatal Palliative Care Program
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Grief Support Services Redesign and Expansion
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Serving The Fun At Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice
Read more

Help us do good

Roger Neilson Children’s Hospice is a special place of comfort and compassion, made possible through your support.